Black Friday DUI Accident Injuries
Black Friday has become a popular tradition for many shoppers. Because Thanksgiving occurs before Black Friday, many shoppers are still experiencing the effects of alcohol consumption during the holiday. When Black Friday shoppers are still under the influence of alcohol, they create a substantial risk if they drive. Persons who are injured by DUI drivers, […]
Injured While Traveling for Thanksgiving By a Drunk Driver
When Thanksgiving nears, your thoughts turn to spending time with family. However, while traveling to meet them, you may be injured by a drunk driver. In many of these cases, the results will be serious injuries that not only require long-term medical treatment, but also lead to medical expenses that can be extremely high. Since […]
You would not be here if you or a loved one was not injured due to someone else’s negligence, intoxication, or reckless behavior!
Typically the person who caused the harm walks away with no problems. Unfortunately, the victim may suffer traumatic spinal injury, brain injury, brain damage, wounds, amputation, multiple fractures, or severe burns. Attorney Keith J. stone has experience and the know how to assist you so you can receive the very best compensation for all the […]
A Quick Primer on Strict Liability
From ladders to lifts to lawn-mowers, cranes to contraceptives, toys to tractors, products should be manufactured to be safe. Safe in the sense that consumer should not be exposed to products with design or manufacturing defects. Surely some products can be dangerous, but they should not be defective. Manufacturers owe it to consumers to provide […]
What are the damages for the wrongful death of a child?
On July 30 around 2:30 p.m. a car crash on Interstate 805 killed 1 child and left two other children and one adult hospitalized. The collison involved a pickup truck and a minivan according to authorities. Due to extensive damage, the roof of the minivan had to be removed by San Diego fire crews to […]
Uber: the smart alternative to driving under the influence
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could summon a driver to your location, and have them show up in a matter of minutes? A sort of on-demand personal driver that requires no reservations and no waiting in long lines for taxis. Well, there’s an app for that. It’s called Uber. Uber is a recently released […]
Basic safety between passenger cars and trucks
On the road and the world of driving trucks are big heavy vehicles that carry a lot of potential for damage and destruction. Trucks carry cargo point A to point B efficiently, but they are far bigger than the majority of other vehicles sharing that road with them. They weigh in excess of 10,000 lbs., which is at least […]