DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients’ cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case.
Motorcycle officer on an emergency call is sideswiped and suffers femur and hip fractures. Defense pays policy limits over $1,000,000.00 before trial.
A general contractor who on the way to his work, collided with a City garbage truck. The Defendant, City of San Diego garbage truck driver, turned down the wrong road against a one way only sign and crashed head on to Plaintiff’s large pick up truck. Plaintiff herniated his neck and had to undergo neck surgery. The City Attorney had Plaintiff submit to a defense medical exam wherein the defense medical examiner not only found that the neck surgery was necessary as a result of the crash, but opined that Plaintiff required low back surgery. Matter settled in the amount of $570,000.
A homemaker and field worker whose family van was impacted by a garbage truck that ran a stop sign. Plaintiff suffered multiple traumas that included open fracture of the right radius fractured ulna, open fracture of the right femur and fracture of the right patella. Matter was settled in the amount of $975,000. A structure was obtained which will guarantee that the Plaintiff will not have to work for the remainder of her life.
A truck-driver who had loaded some used ABF cabs to his truck bed, was in the process of coming down his truck when the ABF grab handle came loose causing the plaintiff to fall and suffered injuries including elbow surgery. Verdict: $246,926.12 plus costs
Uninsured driver died in collision. The impact was so forceful that the 18-wheeler turned over. Truck driver suffered multiple injuries including knee and elbow injury resulting in surgery. Matter settled for $400,000.00.
Multiple family members were in a car hit by a van when the driver of the van took her eyes off the road and failed to realize ahead of her had stopped. The hit was so severe that all the occupants in the car suffered fractures and death of the grandfather in the car. Matter settled for $1,000,000.00.
Pedestrian was a hemophiliac crossing legally in a marked crosswalk. Pedestrian was struck by a driver not paying attention. Pedestrian suffered multiple injuries and due to the special fact that he was a hemophiliac, his body would not form normal clots. Pedestrian required lengthy hospitalization and special drugs to stop internal bleeding. Matter settled for $500,000.
Elderly couple crossing street after doctor’s appoint. Pedestrians were hit by a vehicle owned and operated by the State of California. The wife died from her crash-related injuries. Husband suffered multiple orthopedic injuries. Matter settled for $1,900,000.00.
Attorney Keith J. Stone represented a general contractor who on the way to his work, collided with a City garbage truck. The Defendant, City of San Diego garbage truck driver, turned down the wrong road against a one way only sign and crashed head on to Plaintiff’s large pick up truck. Plaintiff herniated his neck and had to undergo neck surgery. The City Attorney had Plaintiff submit to a defense medical exam wherein the defense medical examiner not only found that the neck surgery was necessary as a result of the crash, but opined that Attorney Stone’s client required low back surgery. Attorney Stone obtained a settlement for his client in the amount of $570,000.
Attorney Keith J. Stone represented a homemaker and field worker whose family van was impacted by a garbage truck that ran a stop sign. The Plaintiff suffered multiple traumas that included open fracture of the right radius fractured ulna, open fracture of the right femur and fracture of the right patella. Attorney Stone obtained a settlement in the amount of $975,000 for his clients. A structure was obtained which will guarantee that the Plaintiff will not have to work for the remainder of her life.
Attorney Keith J. Stone represented a truck-driver who had fastened some used ABF cabs to his truck bed. The plaintiff was in the process of coming down when the ABF grab handle came loose causing the plaintiff to fall and suffered injuries including elbow surgery. Verdict: $246,926.12 plus costs.
Our client was a hard working farm hand. He suffered a severe leg injury when the adverse driver who had a fake leg became confused as to the gas pedal and brake. The adverse driver then crashed into our client breaking his leg. Our client underwent surgery.
Client who was pumping gas received horrific leg injuries when the adverse driver hit the gas pedal instead of the brakes at a San Diego gas station.
Attorney Keith Stone was able to obtain ortho consults for his client who did not have any health insurance.
The client underwent surgery with hardware implanted into his ankle and leg.