Motorcycle Helmet Laws in CA
Motorcycles offer a sense of freedom and exhilaration that’s hard to beat. However, riding comes with inherent risks. California recognizes this, and the state has one of the strictest universal helmet laws in the United States. Understanding the intricacies of this law is crucial for both riders and passengers to ensure safety and legal compliance. […]
Bus Accident Injuries and Recovery
While buses are a common form of transportation in San Diego, accidents can and do happen. MTS-Bus, a public transportation provider in San Diego, operates bus routes throughout the region. The MTS-Bus has 103 bus routes in San Diego with 4182 bus stops. If you have been injured in a bus accident in California, the […]
Truck Accident Injuries and Recovery
Large commercial trucks are an indispensable part of a growing economy. However, sharing the road with these massive vehicles comes with risks. California truck accidents, when they happen, can cause devastating and even life-altering injuries to those involved. According to the National Safety Council, in 2021, 117,300 large trucks were involved in crashes resulting in […]
Why You Should Always Seek Medical Attention
When involved in a personal injury case, one step is often overlooked but vital: seeking immediate medical attention. The significance of this step cannot be overstated, especially in the state of California. This article elucidates why you should always seek and must not delay medical care following an accident. We’ll discuss its importance from a […]
What are Compensatory Damages?
Compensatory damages play a pivotal role in the resolution of legal proceedings, representing a cornerstone of the civil law system. At its essence, compensatory damages are monetary awards given to a plaintiff—the party that brings a lawsuit—to compensate for losses, harm, or injuries directly attributable to the defendant’s—the party being sued—negligence or intentional misconduct. This […]
What are the Long-Term Effects of Catastrophic Injuries?
Upon being involved in just about any type of accident, there’s always the chance that a victim will suffer a catastrophic injury. These types of injuries can affect a person for life. You’ll be in need of the assistance of an experienced, dedicated and aggressive personal injury attorney to preserve and protect your rights and […]
Cyclist Accidents – Safety Rules of the Road
While driving a car in some areas of California can delay your travel, riding a bicycle can get you there quickly and benefit your health. You get exercise while commuting to school or work or running errands. It’s important to know the rules of the road though, so you remain safe. Follow these simple guidelines […]
Bus Accidents – School Buses Safety 101
An accident is the furthest thing from our mind as we wave good-bye when the bus they’re on pulls away. However, school bus accidents are more common than one might think. Therefore, we all could use a lesson in San Diego School Bus Safety 101. School Bus Safety Bus Accident Attorney San Diego, Keith J. […]
Trucking Accidents – Tips for Sharing the Road with Semi-Trucks
Semi-trucks are a blessing to all of us, businesses, and residents. These trucks carry tons of products to go to our local stores. And while it’s great that truck drivers work hard to meet deliveries, it is also very risky to share the road with these trucks. In fact, it can be downright dangerous, even […]