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What are the Long-Term Effects of Catastrophic Injuries?

catastrophic injuryUpon being involved in just about any type of accident, there’s always the chance that a victim will suffer a catastrophic injury. These types of injuries can affect a person for life. You’ll be in need of the assistance of an experienced, dedicated and aggressive personal injury attorney to preserve and protect your rights and plan for the future. Here at the Law Offices of Keith J. Stone, a San Diego personal injury attorney can help you to obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve for a catastrophic injury.

What is a Catastrophic Injury?

A San Diego doctor and a San Diego personal injury lawyer might define catastrophic injuries in slightly different ways, but they’re in agreement that such injuries affect victims for life. Catastrophic injuries involve great pain and suffering along with financial and emotional distress. They don’t just affect the victim either. They profoundly affect his or her family members too.

Types of Accidents That Can Cause Catastrophic Injuries

According to our San Diego catastrophic accident attorney, a variety of accidents can cause catastrophic injuries. A few examples of those types oi accidents follow:

Some Examples of Types of Catastrophic Personal Injuries

The variety of catastrophic personal injuries that can be suffered in an accident might be as broad as the types of accidents that cause them. Our San Diego accident attorney has listed some of those injuries below:

Damages in Catastrophic Injury Cases

When a victim suffers catastrophic injuries in Southern California, it’s critical that he or she select and retain Law Offices of Keith Stone, a San Diego injury attorney with extensive experience in pretrial settlements and trial settings. That’s because damages pursuant to a settlement or award in any catastrophic injury case are likely to be on the high end. A lifetime of damages might include the following:

If you are a family member have suffered a catastrophic injury anywhere in Southern California, working with a skillful and experienced San Diego injury lawyer should be high on your list of priorities. Don’t talk with the insurer of the person or company that caused your injuries. California’s law doesn’t require you to do that, and information obtained from you can be used against you. Before, contact the San Diego catastrophic accident attorney at the Law Offices of Keith J. Stone for a free and confidential consultation and case review. We’ll be pleased to talk about what happened and how it has affected you and your family. After that, we can talk about the legal options that are available to you. Contact us as soon as you can after suffering severe or catastrophic injuries in any accident.


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Contacting us means you have someone who listens to what you have to say. It means you can explain the full details of what happened to you, and get an honest opinion in return. After that, you will see more clearly what your options are and you can go home without having to pay a bill. Remember, we are a service company. We want you to choose. Contact us so you can start the process of choosing.

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