What You Need to Know to Protect Your California Personal Injury Claim
When you call your San Diego personal injury attorney for help filing a California personal injury claim, you should save all the evidence from your accident. There are many ways insurance companies and your opponent will use information against you.
If you’re smart about documenting evidence of your injuries and the scene of the accident, you and your San Diego personal injury attorney will be more at an advantage of receiving full compensation for your injuries. Call your San Diego personal injury attorney for more claim advice about keeping evidence.
Evidence for your California Personal Injury Claim
Auto accident: If you’ve been injured in a San Diego auto accident, there’s information you want to take that’ll help you with your California personal injury claim.
First, take notes of the auto accident and get contact information from other drivers involved in your auto accident. Second, a picture is worth a thousand words. Take pictures of your injuries, the scene of your auto accident, and damages of your possessions. Lastly, keep all receipts related to your auto accident. This includes medical bills, prescriptions, medical travel expenses, etc.
Dog bites: If you’ve been bitten by a dog in the San Diego area, there’s evidence that will help file your California personal injury claim.
First, get the owner’s contact information and take notes, such as “the dog wasn’t on a leash” and so on. Second, take pictures of the dog, if you can, and your injuries. Lastly, save emergency medical bands (if applicable), medial bills, and document any therapy or surgery that has to be done.
Premises liability: If you’ve been injured on someone else’s property in the city of San Diego, take precautions to pursue full compensation for your California personal injury claim.
First, write down contact information of the property holder and don’t say anything the defendant can use against you when you file a California personal injury claim. Second, take pictures of your injuries and the premises. The more pictures you take, the more evidence your San Diego personal injury attorney can show to prove the premises was dangerous. Panoramas, close-ups, shots from different angles, and shots from different lighting perspectives will help your California personal injury claim.
Gathering evidence from your accident is claim advice that will greatly help you and your San Diego personal injury attorney file a California personal injury claim. Keep your evidence private from insurance companies and the defendant because they’ll find a way to use it against your California personal injury claim. It’s helpful to consult with a San Diego personal injury attorney for additional claim advice and to guide you through your process to pursue full compensation for your injuries.
Help For Filing a California Personal Injury Claim
When the unthinkable happens and you or a loved one is injured in a California accident, you don’t have to face this challenge alone. The San Diego personal injury attorneys at the law offices of Keith J. Stone are here to provide all of the information you need about California injury law so you can make informed choices about your personal injury claim. If you’re looking for personalized care and attention at this vulnerable time, contact our offices today – 619-531-2022 or toll free at 1-888-59-HELP-NOW.
The San Diego-based Office of attorney Keith J. Stone serves the following areas in Southern California: