When you call your insurance company, after you’ve been in an accident in San Diego, there are 5 things you shouldn’t say when seeking compensation you deserve for your damages and injuries. Contact a San Diego car accident attorney to be the most effective with pursuing compensation for your injuries and damages.

5 Things Not to Say After Your Accident in San Diego

After an accident, you will most likely be upset and not quite yourself. But you’ll need to do your best to avoid saying the wrong thing.

To ensure you do not adversely affect your case, don’t say

  1. What I think happened was – if the police, other driver involved in your accident in San Diego, or your insurance company asks you questions, answer honestly and factually. Sometimes less is more. If you guess about what happened and your guess is wrong, it will be reported as though it did happen and it may hurt your claim for receiving compensation.
  2. I’m so sorry – don’t ever say sorry after you’ve been in an accident in San Diego. By saying sorry, you’re basically admitting fault to your accident in San Diego and this could destroy your chances of receiving any compensation for your injuries and damages.
  3. I feel fine – after your accident in San Diego, don’t say you feel fine, even if you do feel fine. The reality is you may sustain internal injuries that are unknown to you right after your accident in San Diego.
  4. Yes, I will sign a release waiver for my medical records – giving any insurance company permission to look at your medical records will give them ammunition. They will blame previous health issues for your injuries, rather than your accident in San Diego.
  5. I’ll take that settlement – your insurance company will try to give you the minimum amount to compensate you for your damages and injuries. Don’t accept a settlement offer from your insurance company until you speak with your San Diego car accident attorney.

When you’ve been involved in an accident in San Diego, it’s not mandatory to immediately call your insurance company. If you sustain injuries, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

When you talk to your insurance company, answer questions honestly and factual. Don’t give them additional information and don’t agree, sign, or accept anything from your insurance company until you’ve spoken to your San Diego car accident attorney.

Your San Diego car accident attorney is an expert in dealing with your claim and is familiar with insurance companies not providing the compensation needed to cover your personal injuries. After you’ve been involved in an accident in San Diego, contact a San Diego car accident attorney to pursue the most out of your claim.

Help After an Accident in San Diego

When the unthinkable happens and you or a loved one is injured in an accident in San Diego, know that you don’t have to face this challenge alone. Your San Diego car accident attorney at the law offices of Keith J. Stone are here to provide all of the information you need about California injury law so you can make informed choices about your personal injury claim. We even offer a FREE auto accident guide for Southern California residents. If you’re looking for personalized care and attention at this vulnerable time, contact our offices today – 619-531-2022 or toll free at 1-888-59-HELP-NOW.

The San Diego-based Office of attorney Keith J. Stone serves the following areas in Southern California: